Tuesday, April 27, 2010


“Leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of it.”
John Naisbitt 1929-

I found the parade but I didn’t get in front of it.

This is a marching band getting ready for the Butter and Egg Days parade in Petaluma last weekend. You can see a few more shots over at the Red Umbrella blog.


  1. Great definition for leadership ! :-)

    your pic below inspires me to make special Zzzz signs..
    Very cool

  2. i caN'T iMaGiNe hoW gReaT thiS MaRcHiNg BaNDs peRfoRMs..
    eVeN thaT iT'S fRoM BacK noT FroM FRoNt SiDes..


  3. hi don...i am finally catching up to all the blogfamania i missed...have i told you that i just love your sense of humor!! well, i do. i am wondering something...why aren't there more men bloggers out there?

  4. I love a parade! No really, I do. Especially small town ones with small town bands and real people instead of phony glitz and glam. Great shot of the back side of a cute band.

  5. Erin- I think the men are out there, just on different types of blogs. Sports, politics, money, world domination etc...


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