Monday, January 10, 2011

Birds Do It

“Ninety percent of everything is crap.”
Theodore Sturgeon 1918-1985

This may look like a chilly winter photograph but it was taken late one August day in Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. This place is called Bird Island and no, the white stuff is not snow.


  1. You made 'the white stuff' look very good.
    I like the light in this one, strange and wonderful.

  2. That's so crazy! Look at the mounds of that stuff! The only time when crap looks good is when you take a photograph of it. What a beautiful photograph!

  3. I love it! Looks like a great gathering of friends! And just an observer...


  4. Well, snow or not ... great shot.

  5. And I really love the quote! You are amazing to find all these special, picture-perfect quotations.

  6. I just got back from being out shooting in 13 Degrees F and so when I saw this I did think it was a cold shot. I almost wish you hadn't explained it LOL.

  7. Amazing! Don, you have the talent to fetch the beauty out of the worst! :D

  8. I love it all those birds in the background contrasting with the sea gull makes a very good composition

  9. I think I know what the white stuff is...
    but it looks beautiful-- I agree that life is like a horizon- we think it will look better on the other side and it turns out to be same- what matters is what is inside our hearts and mind.


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