Thursday, January 19, 2012

Yellow Be Gone

“Black spirits and white, red spirits and gray,/
Mingle, mingle, mingle, you that mingle may!”
Thomas Middleton 1580-1627

This quote refers to a witch’s chant which she performs while stirring her witch’s brew.
I’m not a witch but I did mess with Mother Nature on this image (taken from a wedding I shot this past summer). I just desaturated the yellow in Photoshop. Turns out the “green” grass was really mostly yellow and now, thanks to my evil meddling, is gray.

To see the original shot, hover your cursor over the picture.



  1. It's probably just me but I'm not getting the hover effect.

  2. ... until after my comment posted. ;) Got it!

  3. I like the hover effect, not sure which view I like best, both interesting.

  4. Sometimes it's fun to mess with Mother Nature. Nice job and it hardly effected the subject at all.

  5. Are you sure about not being a witch ;) x

  6. I like the greener grass best, but there is something to be said for pure red sneakers...


  7. Hi Don, I've missed seeing what you see thru your camera. You are so creative and I always learn something new or see a composition from a different viewpoint. I won't mention your quirky sense of humor or your ability to find just the right photo to accompany the great quotes you post. Hopefully when we are through with our assignment in New Zealand I'll have more time to blog. (I need to learn how to do that 'hover' thingy.)


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