Thursday, March 10, 2011

Something Grand

“What a grand thing, to be loved! What a grander thing still, to love!”
Victor Hugo 1802-1885

I thought you might be in the mood for something grand today.


  1. You're right! I'm ready to read a grand post ;)

  2. Wow - this is breathtakingly grand! Stunning.

  3. ok so which comes first, the quotes, or the pictures? and how long does it take to find the one to match the other?

    i like your grand ideas for the weekend to come.

  4. Mlle Paradis- Usually the photos come first. This one didn't take long. It's the Grand Canyon so I looked for a good "grand" quote and I found one right away. Other times it takes an hour or more to find a suitable quote.

    Sometimes I do start with a quote I like and match it with one of my existing photos or go out and shoot a new one.

  5. You thought correctly. Beautiful the way the shadows light and lines create this wonderful image.

  6. Grand indeed and I love those shadows.

  7. Thanks for that little insight into your photo/quote combo working routine! Loved this combo very much.


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