Saturday, February 5, 2011

Bearable Beauty

“Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time.”
Albert Camus quotes 1913-1960

I think Camus overstated things but I know what he means. This was a day in northern England that I wouldn’t mind repeating.


  1. I'm not a mountain climber, but I should love to reach the top of one of these beauties! xo

  2. Wonderful landscape. You've captured it's beauty perfectly.

  3. I don't think Camus overstated. Beauty can be heartrending offering us waves of what have been or a glimpse of what could have been. But some beauty, for some reason, you want to avoid.

    Your photo is beauty that can drive you to loneliness.

  4. To see light we have to see darkness... May be we have to overstate to understand reality ?

    A beautiful photo (I can stamp this for all your photo ;))

  5. Wonderful landscape! I love the light and the different shades of green...

  6. Beautiful. So peaceful and majestic all at once. Thank you...

  7. Breathtaking photo! Oh to be there standing near the mountains!

  8. Very nice landscape and great captured, nice colours and love the vally the way you have captured it


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