Friday, February 25, 2011

Get Over It

“Life is too short for traffic”
Dan Bellack

Here's one way to conquer the congestion of Chicago.


  1. Wow! This is an amazing shot! And what a great pilot - the helicopter looks as if it might crash into a building at any moment...

  2. what a cool capture ... beautiful :D

  3. This is so cool! I love helicopters... I hope you are well. Thanks for your visit. Your "bleu" post is magnificent!

  4. I think life is too short to even think of getting in that traffic to go to work... I did it for way too many years and have nothing to show for it other than bad memories of impossible bosses and managers... All a distant memory now, but wow, what a waste of time and energy...

  5. Amazing shot! Reminds me of a futuristic dragonfly!

  6. Wow.. seriously? That's a great shot!

  7. Good Grief!!!! What serendipity that you were there at that precise second. Congratulations on that, and making a POTW

  8. WHOA!! I think that says it all.

    Congrats on POTW photography! Well deserved!

  9. Amazing all the choppers around the windy city.That is a good sized one, nice shot.

  10. Yikes!
    Impressive shot and most worthy of POTW.

  11. Wow, you have reflexes on par with that pilot, and he or she has incredible reflexes! Nicely captured.

    Is it a Medi-vac 'copter? Yup, better to be stuck in traffic, than lifted from it. The reasons for that are seldom good.

  12. Talk about being in the right place at the right time...

    Great shot! Here from Hilary's. Congrats on POTW!


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