Wednesday, December 15, 2010


“Tradition is the illusion of permanence.”
Woody Allen 1935-

Women of the Padaung (a subgroup of the Karen tribe of northern Thailand) have worn ornamental brass rings for centuries. The original reasons for this tradition are not known the most common explanation is that an extra-long neck is considered a sign of great beauty and wealth. The effect is striking but hard to comprehend.

This week’s Corner View theme is “tradition”. To see more traditional posts visit the blogs below. Thanks to Theresa for hosting.

jane, theresa, ian, joyce, francesca, isabelle, kari, jgy, lise, otli, dorte, sophie, daan, skywriting, annakenza, rosamaría, victoria, tikjewit, mlle paradis, wander chow, kelleyn, sammi, tzivia,


  1. Stunning photo! I wonder if it hurts? Do they sleep this way?

  2. I like woody allen's words :)
    Very nice portrait, but I don't think i like that tradition. Isn't it so that they have to keep those bracelets on or their necks will break?

  3. Oh, I think I will skip THAT tradition, thank you very much. I do like the composition though, with the colorful hat/hairpiece and all... Thank you for showing us!

  4. I have heard of this tradition. I also wonder how do they get rest at night?

  5. I love the quote... The photo is amazing as usual. The colors, and you captured the look of her eyes marvelously. Thank you!

  6. SOMEthings to think about, both the neck and quote...

  7. yes, it is hard to understand... it do not looks comfortable!

  8. Like Thomson and Thompson could say, "to be precise"... Woody Allen is great ;) and your vision is great as well.


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